3 Reasons to Start Shopping Local
When we hear the words, “shop local”, most of us think to ourselves, “Sounds good, but it seems more expensive”, or “Maybe, but I need to go to my grocery store to get everything I really need”. Do we really, though? Could there be such a place…where brand name grocery stores are not a necessity?
Sure, large grocery stores are super convenient. We can buy everything and anything we would ever need in a super-sized, one stop shop. We have mass production of every food you could imagine, from all over the world. Convenience is everything. So much so, that over time, we have forgotten about the importance of food as nutrition, as nourishment, as something that has the power to bring a community together. Food gradually became known as brand name products, rather than the actual nutritional food itself. The quality of food became less and less important as the convenience factor grew larger.
All of this sounds great, until we look at the nutritional value of these food products. They tend to be filled with seed oils (think your typical Canola Oil, Vegetable Oil, Peanut Oil, and Sunflower Oil), which are highly inflammatory to our entire body. Most products also can contain preservatives or additives, which disrupt our bodies’ natural hormonal production and development. Pesticides that are used on our so-called “fresh” food are directly linked to chronic illnesses such as cancer, and heart, respirtory, and neurological diseases. It seems that the mass production of food and the desire for a longer shelf life has taken priority over nutritional benefits, and most importantly, our health.
Like most of us, I also used to completely rely on big grocery stores for everything from produce, dairy, meat, to snacks and more. I honestly never even looked twice at the food products I would consume daily from these stores. It wasn’t until my digestive health took a turn for the worst, that I started paying more attention to what I was consuming.
So, what is it about shopping locally that is better for us? These are just a few of many benefits, but in my opinion, the most important.
3 Reasons To Shop Locally:
Locally sourced food not only tastes better, but it’s overall better for you. You can dramatically reduce your intake of toxic chemicals by buying food grown locally without added pesticides, preservatives, or seed oils. This will drastically improve your natural hormone production, gut health, and lower your chances of developing a chronic illness. With less medical bills to pay out later, you’ll end up saving yourself money in the long run too!
2. By shopping locally, you are giving back to your community. You can help others in your community to make a living by utlizing all kinds of local services, and this goes beyond just food. Tax revenue that is made from the sales taxes of local businesses supports the local government, which is then reinvested within the community. By shopping locally owned businesses in your area, you are giving back to your community with each purchase.
3. Buying local food can help to preserve the farmland that will feed generations to come. Supporting the small businesses and farmers in your community contributes to the well-being of our farms and resources. By helping them succeed, we are also investing in a healthy future for years to come.
If I haven’t convinced you just yet, you can find more information here about the benefits of shopping locally. If you’re now wondering, “How do I do this?”, check out my post titled, “Your Guide To Shopping Local” to find more information about how you can start supporting local businesses in your community!